Tom Swiss
Office in Catonsville, Serving the Greater Baltimore Area
Hours By Appointment

Shiatsu - Acupressure - Massage - Reiki
Tom Swiss, Dipl. ABT, AOBTA CP, LMT
Office in Catonsville, Serving the Greater Baltimore area.
Hours by appointment

Pay or Donate

For services rendered, or to make a donation for a class or out of general goodwill. Tipping for services is not expected or required but is always appreciated and helps me offer a sliding scale to those in financial distress.


to phone number 443-803-9621. Personal account. No fee!

PayPal, personal account

(select "Friends and Family" and no fee if you use PayPal balance, bank account, or American Express(?)) via PayPal at

PayPal, business account

(charges fees to recipient, offers buyer protection) via PayPal at


(fees for credit cards, no fee for account balance or bank account) Venmo as @tom_swiss

CashApp (method of last resort)

CashApp as $TomSwiss

To bring the benefits of shiatsu, acupressure, qi gong, and Asian Bodywork Therapy to as many people as possible, I sometimes do events for free with a suggested donation. If you can support this work with an additional contribution, or in other ways, it really does make a difference! Here are some ways you can help:

  • Just send money. Put a little something in the tip jar. You can send a dollar or five or twenty or a hundred, every little bit helps. Big bits help too, if you'd like to be my wealthy benefactor. Links and QR codes above, or do it the old-fashioned way and hand me or mail me a check, or wad of cash.
  • (Contributions are not tax-deductible. I generally do report them as taxable income; I think of them as tips related to services rendered. But I am not too proud to accept a straight-up gift of money, goods, or services if you want to specify that it is a gift.)

  • Hire me to teach a class or workshop, for coaching sessions, or for a writing or speaking or consulting gig. Contact me and let's discuss how I can use my diverse skills to help you transform your personal or business life.
  • Thanks!