Hours by appointment
Upcoming classes and events: Sunday Nov 3, 3:30-5pm: Self-care with Shiatsu and Acupressure - free class, part of the Grand Opening weekend at the Catonsville Dojo.
Friday Nov 29: "Black Friday" meditation at the Catonsville Dojo.

Pay or Donate
For services rendered, or to make a donation for a class or out of general goodwill. Tipping for services is not expected or required but is always appreciated and helps me offer a sliding scale to those in financial distress.
to phone number 443-803-9621. Personal account. No fee!PayPal, personal account
(select "Friends and Family" and no fee if you use PayPal balance, bank account, or American Express(?))
via PayPal at https://paypal.me/tomswiss
PayPal, business account
(charges fees to recipient, offers buyer protection)
via PayPal at https://paypal.me/TomsShiatsuAndKarate
(fees for credit cards, no fee for account balance or bank account) Venmo as @tom_swiss
CashApp (method of last resort)
To bring the benefits of shiatsu, acupressure, qi gong, and Asian Bodywork Therapy to as many people as possible, I sometimes do events for free with a suggested donation. If you can support this work with an additional contribution, or in other ways, it really does make a difference! Here are some ways you can help:
- Just send money. Put a little something in the tip jar. You can send a dollar or five or twenty or a hundred, every little bit helps. Big bits help too, if you'd like to be my wealthy benefactor. Links and QR codes above, or do it the old-fashioned way and hand me or mail me a check, or wad of cash.
- Hire me to teach a class or workshop, for coaching sessions, or for a writing or speaking or consulting gig. Contact me and let's discuss how I can use my diverse skills to help you transform your personal or business life.
(Contributions are not tax-deductible. I generally do report them as taxable income; I think of them as tips related to services rendered. But I am not too proud to accept a straight-up gift of money, goods, or services if you want to specify that it is a gift.)