Tom Swiss
Office in Catonsville, Serving the Greater Baltimore Area
Hours By Appointment

Upcoming classes and events: Sunday Nov 3, 3:30-5pm: Self-care with Shiatsu and Acupressure - free class, part of the Grand Opening weekend at the Catonsville Dojo.
Friday Nov 29: "Black Friday" meditation at the Catonsville Dojo.

Shiatsu - Acupressure - Massage - Reiki
Tom Swiss, Dipl. ABT, AOBTA CP, LMT
Office in Catonsville, Serving the Greater Baltimore area.
Hours by appointment

Upcoming classes and events: Sunday Nov 3, 3:30-5pm: Self-care with Shiatsu and Acupressure - free class, part of the Grand Opening weekend at the Catonsville Dojo.
Friday Nov 29: "Black Friday" meditation at the Catonsville Dojo.

New Year's Meditation and Qi Gong

Monday January 1, 3-4pm (Eastern time)

Start the new year off with good energy! Join me *on-line* New Year's Day -- in the afternoon, plenty of time to sleep in after NYE -- for some easy qi gong and Zen-style meditation.

All are welcome. No experience necessary. You don't need to "believe" anything or "be spiritual", all you need is a body.

Presented by Catonsville Seido Karate and EarthTouch Shiatsu.

Join on Zoom:

or use meeting ID 225 669 8444 and password NewYear24

or view on Facebook Live from the EarthTouch Shiatsu page

This is a free event; we will be accepting donations and all proceeds will be donated to ICRC relief in Israel and Gaza.

Contact Tom today for more information.

More events and classes