Hours by appointment
Upcoming classes and events: Sunday Nov 3, 3:30-5pm: Self-care with Shiatsu and Acupressure - free class, part of the Grand Opening weekend at the Catonsville Dojo.
Friday Nov 29: "Black Friday" meditation at the Catonsville Dojo.

Living More Magically
Sunday, Rescheduled to November 5
As "the veil grows thin" this Samhain season, we're going to explore magick -- "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will", as Aleister Crowley put it -- via the philosophy of "Punk Magick", stripping the art down to its absolute bare essentials and going forward confidently with a "do it yourself" spirit to engage directly with it.
I claim no supernatural powers and I don't ask you to "believe" anything in this class. I'm not your guru or your cult leader and I insist that you (in the words of Robert Anton Wilson) "think for yourself, schmuck." I merely suggest to you certain practices and attitudes which I believe you will find will improve your life if you sincerely try them out.
This is extended from the "Punk Magick" talk I've given at Starwood, FSG, and Autumn Fires, with interactive exercises. Bring a notebook!
Pay what you will; the suggested donation for this three hour class, available on Zoom but you can come hang out at my house and do it live if you like, is $45. You can pay or donate here but no payment is needed to register.
Class size is limited, reserve your space now!
Contact Tom today for more information.
Tom Swiss is the author of the books Punk Magick and Why Buddha Touched the Earth, and blogs at Patheos as The Zen Pagan. He is a regular presenter at events like the Starwood Festival and the Free Spirit Gathering, and has designed and led magical rituals and ceremonies for groups both small and large.
October 29, 2023 November 5, 2-5pm