Tom Swiss
Office in Catonsville, Serving the Greater Baltimore Area
Hours By Appointment

Shiatsu - Acupressure - Massage - Reiki
Tom Swiss, Dipl. ABT, AOBTA CP, LMT
Office in Catonsville, Serving the Greater Baltimore area.
Hours by appointment

Black Friday Meditation and Qi Gong

Friday November 24, 4-5pm (Eastern time)

Looking for an alternative to mindless consumerism this Black Friday? Join us for easy qi gong and meditation in the Zen style, November 24, 4-5pm at Revolve Wellness Studios.

All are welcome. No experience necessary. You don't need to "believe" anything or "be spiritual", all you need is a body.

Presented by Catonsville Seido Karate and EarthTouch Shiatsu.

This is a free event; we will be accepting donations and all proceeds will be donated to ICRC relief in Israel and Gaza.

Contact Tom today for more information.

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